SchoolhouseTeachers Membership Benefits – What you need to know?

Have you ever felt wrapped up with the different choices of curriculum?  Children in different grades, different learning styles, electives, paperwork, pintables and what not! a division of  The Old Schoolhouse® offers a solution to all these dilemmas and quandaries.  They offer curriculum for preschool through high school, as well as several courses for parents.  The educational needs of every child are different. Meeting the needs of students and families is at the heart of

Exploring Faith & Science with Indescribable Kids

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The Wonder of Creation: 100 More Devotions About God and Science I admire how Indescribable Kids & Co. has combined faith and science in this new book. Science fascinates our children, and they constantly question, “Why?” about everything.  My son’s questions seem to be never ending!  This book attempts to address such questions and in the process, it also teaches some basic science.

Math Mammoth Curriculum Review

What is Math Mammoth? Math Mammoth is a digital math curriculum that offers supplemental worktexts and workbooks for elementary and middle school aged kids.  They are common core aligned and hence may suit as complete curriculum, supplemental work to challenge kids.  So this has the potential to serve a diverse population like homeschoolers, teachers, tutors and anyone who is looking up for adhoc topics to fill gaps. There are also worksheets by grade (the Golden series) and worksheets by topic (the Green series).  This is now a legacy only item and not updated anymore. So, what are the Blue Series and

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Differentiation of instruction, is it really needed?

The child is ready when he/she is!  You may have heard this several times, when it comes to educating a child with special needs.  Well, do we know when they are ready?  Are we doing anything to make them ready, like we do in all other arenas of their life?  Does repetition alone mean quality instruction that has been well tried?  These are some questions that come to the mind of a well intentioned parent/caregiver when they are dealing with a child having diverse needs.  If you are one of them then read on!


Teaching with Clicker software – Assistive technology for education.

It’s been an interesting journey teaching my child who has strong auditory and visual skills, however, is minimally verbal(on the spectrum).  In this post, I share with you what worked for us and developed his speech and writing skills further, steering his learning experience in a very positive way!  Every parent’s dream, come read on to find out more!


Special needs and the maze of sleep issues! How to navigate?

Did you know with special needs you have sleep issues lurking as a co-morbidity?  Yes, while a parent/caregiver is so soaked up dealing with other delays their child has, it seems inevitable to glide over or just simple live through the sleep disturbances your child is presenting. In the vast schema of things like speech, adaptive milestones, I was exhausted to look at sleep as a separate issue to deal with.  My son with ASD had both – delayed sleep onset and sleep awakenings.  After taking hours to fall asleep, he would wake up at random times and stay awake

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Sound healing therapy. Did you know about it?

Do you have a child who is good at certain things but struggles with executive functioning and focus in general?  Do you find your kid fidgety, lacking attention and emotional regulation has a diagnosis of ASD, ADD, ADHD, or auditory processing disorder?  Does your child suffer in day-to-day life or school due to learning and communication disorders? Then keep reading… I have always been on the lookout for multisensory approaches to support learning.  Sound healing therapy uses aspects of music to improve physical and emotional health and well-being.  My son is minimally verbal(has delayed echolalia) and possesses a great liking

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